The last two interviews of September 25 was our first married couple, Keith and Ninette Chapman. Keith reached out to me from a Facebook post and it was later that I realized he and Ninette were married. I remembered Ninette being active on the Franklin Road Runners page when I was more involved in the group, so I was happy that we got them both on camera.
It was an interesting perspective to have Ninette who had been with the group for quite a long time and also Keith who is a relatively newer recruit. They share a love of Seth and a recognition of the sacrifices he makes on a daily basis.
And I think he knew deep down that this wasn’t going to be it for him…and it just came out physically in his healing…I don’t think you could argue that that’s not miraculous.
Keith shared a great perspective on how Seth’s determination and goals helped him to heal quickly. I asked everyone I interviewed if they believed that Seth’s recovery was a miracle. It was really interesting to hear everyone’s perspective on that question. Keith gave a great, honest answer and it made the final cut.

It is obvious that Seth is a very meaningful person to Ninette as they have travel many miles together. She shared a heartfelt message to Seth and I know it meant a lot to him.
Keith reaching out was a happy surprise and I am so glad they got their stories out.
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