Patricia solicited Pastor Corey Howse and Deacon Anthony Fleming to be interviewed and they agreed. On September 13, 2024, I took a short drive down Clayton Arnold Road to a church I have passed by 100 times before.
I had just got my Godox 150s delivered so I was excited to have a properly lit interview. We decided on the stage with the baptismal in the background. The composition was not noticed much because the testimonies about Seth that these two gentleman put on camera became the bedrock for the story.

Pastor Howse is a master story teller and orator. You could tell that he is used to speaking in front of crouds. His delivery was deliberate and honest. He shared how Seth is a leader inside and outside of church and how he encouraged him to run. The best quote of the interview was this:
“Seth isn’t one who just quotes Scripture, he lives it.”
Deacon Fleming is someone who highly reveres his fellow deacon. They have spent a lot of time together and Deacon Anthony humbly gushed over what a great man of character Seth is. Anthony went on to bring up a great point about how others may put on a facade for the public but their familes know their true nature. Seth is consistent in the public eye and at home. His character is unwavering no matter the venue.

Anthony shared a story about Seth at church that I wanted to show on screen. Luckily, I was able to find the church service he was referring to on their online archive. In that footage, I came across a celebration song that I just had to add to the end credits. This was the song the sang at Seth’s first Sunday back after his accident.
I wished I could sit with these wise men for longer than I did, but I was glad to have the time I did have. The worst part is I couldn’t use their interview snippets for a trailer or their pictures for the movie poster because we didn’t want Seth to learn of the secret.
The following two weeks I was fortunate to get a good amount of my targets lined up for more interviews.
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