Category: Seth Documentary

  • Sharon (and Donnie) Baldwin

    Sharon (and Donnie) Baldwin

    December 1, 2024 was the final interview for this project, which started on June 21 with Michelle. I haven’t had a chance to talk with Seth yet, but I am sure he was surprised to see Sharon on screen. She was one of othe first people to stop, assist and comfort Seth after the accident.…

  • Shara Carter

    Shara Carter

    On November 7, 2024 I got to meet Shara Carter in her office in Cool Springs. Shara was a late addition, but integral part of the project. She came on as a clinical expert, talking about the health benefits of running in community. Not only was she an expert, she also has been running wtih…

  • Siddhartha “Sid” Karnati

    Siddhartha “Sid” Karnati

    On November 11, 2024 Sid finally said yes to my pestering. Sid was one of those guys that I enjoyed seeing and talking with on group runs. Like me he hasn’t been participating in those group runs lately, which was likely one of his hesitations. I am so glad he said yes, because his story…

  • Sharon Holmes

    Sharon Holmes

    On November 1, 2024 I got to meet the young lady who would become the fan favorite of the film. Sharon is Seth’s sister and she does not lack any personality. She was so much fun and was a great addition to the film. I returned to the home of Seth Jr, so we had…

  • The Goodwins

    The Goodwins

    On October 8, 2024 I got to meet Seth’s family from Memphis. They traveled up to Spring Hill where we filmed in Seth Jr’s home. They also brought the three precious grandbabies. During the documentary Seth mentioned that one of the goals he had in rehab was to run the Franklin Classic 5K again. Patricia…

  • Group Run

    Group Run

    On October 5, 2024, with the help and direction of Crystal Pesce, one of the Franklin Road Runners‘ leaders, we took advantage of Seth being in Minnesota that day. My goal here was just to gather personal messages and to be respectful of other’s schedules since it was very difficult for many to carve out…

  • Alicia Barker

    Alicia Barker

    On October 4, 2024 I was able to meet up with Alicia in her and we had this terrific natural light setup on her back porch. She has known Seth for over a decade and their friendship shines through this doc and conversation. Alicia was one of those people that I knew from a distance.…

  • The Chapmans

    The Chapmans

    The last two interviews of September 25 was our first married couple, Keith and Ninette Chapman. Keith reached out to me from a Facebook post and it was later that I realized he and Ninette were married. I remembered Ninette being active on the Franklin Road Runners page when I was more involved in the…

  • Jill Mongene

    Jill Mongene

    One of the first members of Seth’s Run Friends or “Seth’s Babes,” Jill was another person I knew of but I don’t know if I had ever met before. I am so glad that she responded to my Facebook message and agreed to participate. The second of my September 25, 2024 interviews, Jill shared many…

  • Leigh Anne Duvall

    Leigh Anne Duvall

    September 25, 2024 proved to be a productive day for gathering stories about Seth. Lululemon of Cool Springs, where Seth is an ambassador, allowed us to use the courtyard in front of their store. The idea was to make myself available and people would just show up, so I could save some time in setting…