December 1, 2024 was the final interview for this project, which started on June 21 with Michelle. I haven’t had a chance to talk with Seth yet, but I am sure he was surprised to see Sharon on screen. She was one of othe first people to stop, assist and comfort Seth after the accident.
I found out about Sharon when I was doing the research on the day of the accident. There was a Facebook post indicating she was there.

The reason this interview didn’t happen until December 1 is because she was reluctant to say yes. She finally felt led that she needed to do this interview as a act of faith. I am so glad she did, since this project turned into such a faith film. Her prayer with Seth complimented the theme that was carried out throughout the film.
A funny side note, she had never seen Seth after that day in April 2022. She was at Chicken Salad Chick and happened to bump into Seth in January, which would have been after our original premiere date of January 11.
Donnie wasn’t as talkative in the interview and we ended up not using his footage, but he was the driver and stopped to help Seth, which is why they have the fitting title of “Good Samaritans.”
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