On October 8, 2024 I got to meet Seth’s family from Memphis. They traveled up to Spring Hill where we filmed in Seth Jr’s home. They also brought the three precious grandbabies.
During the documentary Seth mentioned that one of the goals he had in rehab was to run the Franklin Classic 5K again. Patricia also mentioned that his other goal was to play with his grandbabies again. They call Seth G-daddy and it is clear they join in the adoration of him.
Stephanie is Seth’s daughter and her interview was special showcasing the sweet father-daughter relationship. She shared about how steady Seth was as a father and how she responded to news of his accident. I was suprised that she didn’t see a negative side to her father, as I can relate to letting emotions take over with frustrations with my own daughters.
He really is “Saint Seth,” to be honest.
Going back to what Deacon Anthony Fleming said about how you can’t hide your true nature from family, I figured there had to be something. No dice, it turns out Seth is the same at home as he is in public.
Stephanie’s husband, Jonathan continued the trend of praise and adoration. He shared a vulnerable moment about how he lost his own father a few years ago but felt that Seth was able to step in and fill some of that void and how he really appreciated that.
Jonathan also shared about even though they were living in Memphis that they could feel the love and support that the running community showed the “Mayor.” The true impact of Seth’s character and dedication was revealed in the tragedy.
I see a lot of myself and my family in Jonathan and Stephanie, including that we both have three daughters. After the interview we let them give their personal messages to G-dad. I love how eager they were to participate.

My favorite thing about you is you are silly and you play with us.

The middle daughter/granddaughter is Seth’s shadow. She will go and do whatever G-dad is doing.

I wuv you, G-dad!
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