Karen Austin Thinking

Karen Austin

On September 17, 2024 I was invited to the Austin-Young home to gather more of stories of Seth. I was greeted by two beautiful Labs and we decided on the sunroom that had tons of natural light.

This was my first interview after I bought a used Canon R5C. The original goal was to buy a duplicate C70, but the person flaked as marketplace tends to go. I also like the flexibility of being able to use it as a still camera which was great since my daughters are enjoying expressing their creativity through photography and film.

I set the R5C as my A cam on the gimbal on the table and the C70 as the B cam on sticks. I was a bit bothered by the silmilarity of the couch to her shirt color and I tried to change the couch to gray in post, but I couldn’t figure out how to do it without a clean mask, so we just went with it as shot. I just chalked it up to a learning experience.

Karen’s story was great because she and Seth are about the same age, so she has a wealth of knowledge and a great understanding of the running community in Nashville. Originally a Nashville Strider, she found the Franklin Road Runners shortly after it’s founding in 2013.

From this interview it was clear that Seth holds a special place in her heart. She was one that seemed reluctant to want to be on camera, but I am glad she said yes. She did a fantastic job and shared a funny story about how Seth is everywhere, even in out-of-town races.


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